Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 26, 2011

What a long day yesterday was!

I woke up at 7:20, made sure I had all of my stuff together, then hopped on the tram to the Eurolines office. Well...ends up the office =/= where the buses go out of. Should've realized that before but the website was pretty ambiguous. Dumb. I ended up having to take the 10 am bus once I got to the correct site, but that wasn't so bad. I slept for a bit on the bus and got to Brussels around 2 pm. I managed to find my way to Sara's apartment. Sara's a CouchSurfer whom I contacted a few weeks ago about meeting up. She was super awesome about letting me stay the night so last-minute.

Unfortunately, Sara had to give a presentation that she was supposed to do the day before, so she was unable to show me around the city. Althoughhhhhh this other CouchSurfer was in town and she arranged for us to meet. His name is Fernando and he was with his Belgian friend, Bruno. The three of us walked around a liiiittle bit (honestly didn't see too much of the city, apart from one area and what I saw on the bus) and got some drinks.

Later, Sara, Fernando, and I went to her friend's apartment for a bit of a pregame. Then it was off to a local bar! There was a funk DJ and that was pretty fun. I got to try some Belgian beers that aren't available in the US. Not bad at all! We ended up moving on to another bar. There miiiight have been some felafel in the mix :]
I think we got back to her apartment at 3:30 am or something. Which sucked because I only got about 3 and a half hour of sleep or so.

So although I didn't really see much of the city, it was definitely fun to meet local people and make friends. I'm sure I'll be back in Europe again and I'll have more time to really see Brussels.

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