August 15, 2010
11:20 am
Sheesh, where to start? I haven't updated in a while, it feels like. Left the temple on Friday morning after going for a walk again with Sam--this time with my camera. I'm staying at Diva Guesthouse in Chiang Mai, just across from Julie's and it's even the same owner. I went to Julie's and made some friends. Some people from England: Alice, Ed, Henry, and Mike, and some girls (and one guy) from the Netherlands: Sanne, Judith, and Judith's brother, Sjoerd.
We hung out at Julie's and had a few beers before heading over to the reggae club. Lots of fun! Three beers and two margaritas later, I found myself on stage at the club, saxophone in hand. I didn't really know what I was doing, I was just told the key we were in and tried to follow the other sax player. I didn't even know the songs. Too bad but it was fun, regardless! I was told Alice has a picture, I definitely need to see that! Went to bed at 2:30 and after the room stopped spinning a bit I slept until 6:30.
Woke up, ate, and went on a trek all by my lonesome. I was lucky to meet three more English folk, two girls: Fi and Charlie, and one guy, Ian. Ian goes to Oxford and potentially has heard of one of my friends. Weird! It was practically identical to the trek that I did in January but it was still lots of fun. I was lucky that there were people around my age that I enjoyed spending time with. We went to a butterfly garden for like 20 minutes (eh), then the same hike to the same waterfall as January…but it was different in the rainy season and I still love hiking. There were lots of dogs and kitties! It seemed like every group had their own little animal following them. Adorable. After that we went white water rafting! Super fun during the rainy season :D Next was one of the hilltribes, the same place where I saw the tiny puppy get crushed in January :[ After that we went on an elephant ride. It was a little boring…I suppose I've been on quite a few elephants. It was literally just a big circle and not really too exciting but whatever. After that we stopped at the Long Neck Karen hilltribe…I didn't feel like shelling out an extra 300 baht just to see them so I waited for some of the others who decided to go have a look.
Got back from the trek, showered, grabbed something to eat (a cheeseburger mmm…so sick of Thai food since being at the temple!) and headed over to Julie's. I met two MORE people from London, Matt and Sam. I hung out with them for a bit, played some pool, talked, whatever. Then the people I met from the trek showed up and joined us. The three from the trek ended up going out, I was too tired so I stayed at Julie's. The two guys left, too. From then on I hung out with the Dutch girls and two other Dutch guys. Since the fridge with beer was locked, our intention was to quickly grab one last beer somewhere else and then go to bed…but of course we ended up going to a bar and didn't get back until past 3 am. I had a lot of fun, though! We all ended up getting silly temporary tattoos that this one random guy in an internet cafe had. I have a tiger on the inside of my left arm and tiger eyes on the back of my neck. I ended up "marrying" one of the Dutch guys because I said our matching tattoos constituted as an engagement. We made each other rings out of leaves and it was just very silly (we were waiting for the other two to finish up their very lengthy goodbye so it was a great time killer.) I didn't have my camera with me (for any of this, really, except for the trekking) so I'm hoping to snag some pictures off of the others.
Today I don't have any plans…waiting to see if I get an email or something from either Matt or Sam, they're off today (they're training for some sort of Thai boxing/martial arts/whatever thing here in Chiang Mai) I'm pretty tired so I'm okay just hanging around for now. Probably around 5 or so I'll hang out at Julie's and see who I know/meet.
August 16, 2010
9:10 pm
Has it really only been one day since I wrote that? Crazy. I'm waiting at the airport, about to fly back to Bangkok. These last two days were really low-key but still a ton of fun. I made two new friends: Adrian and Darren, both from Australia. Darren and I had some really interesting talks for a few hours and that was great to kind of have those talks filled with content that is constantly swirling around in my brain. Adrian and I spent a bit of time together, too. Especially after Darren suddenly broke out with a fever and went to the hospital. That really sucks, I feel so bad! Adrian and I went to visit him this afternoon, though. It was nice. I said goodbye to Judith but then realized that I'll probably see her tomorrow in Bangkok! That'd be nice. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get to go to Tiger Kingdom…never got a response back on Facebook from the English folks from the trek. Oh well, guess that's an excuse to come back to Chiang Mai yet again.. Before [read: At the temple] I was so ready to go home, but now I've been meeting a ton of people and having a blast. I wish I could stay in Chiang Mai longer! Sucks. It would've been fun for Sam to come along but to be honest I really loved being alone. Actually, I don't think we would've been "clingy", for a lack of a better word, and I'm sure would've done our own thangs when desired/necessary/whatever. Oh well! Too bad. He and Darren could've bonded over the whole "I'm from the Gold Coast" thing. I'm stupid and left my headphones in my backpack…which is checked. Luckily this flight is only about 45 minutes. I also very much plan to sleep. Super, super tired. I haven't gotten much sleep lately!
This is mostly for me to document every stupid, meticulous detail of my experiences but feel free to read it.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
August 11, 2010
5:11 pm
I'm sick of writing pages and page so hopefully this will be short and sweet. Yesterday was pretty boring. I'm seriously considering leaving either tomorrow or Friday and spending some extra time in Chiang Mai. All I'm doing at this point is sitting around, going online, and talking to Sam. Yesterday wasn't really memorable or noteworthy except for the night time. Oh, since all of the schools are closed this week I can't teach English while I'm here. Bummer. So yeah, last night I got all emotional and whatnot when Sam and I were talked. We were up until about midnight with a kind of heart-to-heart.
So today Mike got ordained. We went out for lunch which I cam SO sick of, I can't wait to go home. I don't usually get homesick but I think the combination of being bored, hungry, and unsatisfied with the food is really doing it. I took like a 3.5 hour nap today. Not much else to do. Chevaun arrived here yesterday afternoon from Singapore. I'd say she's in her early to mid-thirties. She's here until Friday, I like her! Right, that's really it. WAIT!! My camera is giving me Error 99 again...what the hell I just spent a ton of money getting it fixed like aw eek before my trip. NOT. COOL. Very upset.
I'm sick of writing pages and page so hopefully this will be short and sweet. Yesterday was pretty boring. I'm seriously considering leaving either tomorrow or Friday and spending some extra time in Chiang Mai. All I'm doing at this point is sitting around, going online, and talking to Sam. Yesterday wasn't really memorable or noteworthy except for the night time. Oh, since all of the schools are closed this week I can't teach English while I'm here. Bummer. So yeah, last night I got all emotional and whatnot when Sam and I were talked. We were up until about midnight with a kind of heart-to-heart.
So today Mike got ordained. We went out for lunch which I cam SO sick of, I can't wait to go home. I don't usually get homesick but I think the combination of being bored, hungry, and unsatisfied with the food is really doing it. I took like a 3.5 hour nap today. Not much else to do. Chevaun arrived here yesterday afternoon from Singapore. I'd say she's in her early to mid-thirties. She's here until Friday, I like her! Right, that's really it. WAIT!! My camera is giving me Error 99 again...what the hell I just spent a ton of money getting it fixed like aw eek before my trip. NOT. COOL. Very upset.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
August 9, 2010
From my handwritten journal
~10:25 pm
Today was pretty great. Mike, Sam, and I went to up to the Daylight School with Fred. We brought them some little cakey things and bagged snacks. The school is for children of Shan migrant workers. Refugees from Burma. These people have no papers so according to Thailand they don't even really exist. Shan people have their own language so learning Thai is extremely beneficial towards their success here in Thailand. It's so amazing that they have this opportunity thanks to The Blood Foundation. The children learn four subjects: Shan language and culture, Thai, English, and mathematics. We got there just as both the older and younger kids were eating their lunches. Perfect timing! We got to hang around and play soccer with the kids. I took some adorable photos of the kids brushing their teeth and just being super cute in general. Fred was telling us that before they eat they say a kind of grace that says something like "we're so lucky to have this food and I feel badly for those who have nothing to eat." These kids are practically in the bread line themselves yet they still think that way. If only Westerners could be so grateful.
Man, I really loved being there. I really want to get involved in something like that. Even when I'm in school back in Princeton I can totally go through with volunteering at the Cherry Tree Club--a preschool for local homeless children--which is a mere five minutes from my house. I've volunteered there before and it's wonderful. I had planned on volunteering once a week during the school year but now it feels as if I have to do it. Ideally, I'd love to set something up like that myself. There are so many things I can do right in my own area. Of course I'd love to come back to Thailand and other regions of the world, but for now, Cherry Tree is perfect.
We came back to the temple and met the newest addition, Eliano. He's originally from Italy but he's been living in Tokyo for the last 36 years. [Man the dogs are going nuts right now...I wonder why..I hope everything is okay!] Anyway, we hung around and talked, went to evening chanting, then had a chat outside (with Ben, too!) Funny story, Ben and I were born in the same hospital! Also, his birthday is the day before mine. A few years, too, but that's besides the point! So later on it was just me, SAm and Ben. [Oh my goshhh there's a huge commotion and squealing/barking. I wish I could do something!!! I feel horrible. I hope every doggy is okay, especially the new puppies and CK :[ :[ :[ They're so tiny. Okay upon looking out of my window all I can see are the dogs barking at two women in the Sala...but that doesn't explain the squealing and sad noises..still alarming. Okay it's dying down. Sucks for the people trying to sleep.]
OKAY ANYWAY. The talk with Ben was really good. We kind of expressed our opinions about Fred's one-sided teaching and he actually had very similar views. He was saying that the important part of religion is what it does to improve the world. We also talked about the program and our expectations and what we think we'll ultimately get out of it. Both he and Sam recommended a book for me so I'm going to probably start it now. It's A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and apparently it's Oprah approved. Wonderful. It's not Buddhist but that's all I really know about it. We'll see! Hopefully it gives me some insight. I'm hungry so hopefully sleeping will fix that. I'll wake up and be able to eat! (After waking up the initial four times, that is.)
~10:25 pm
Today was pretty great. Mike, Sam, and I went to up to the Daylight School with Fred. We brought them some little cakey things and bagged snacks. The school is for children of Shan migrant workers. Refugees from Burma. These people have no papers so according to Thailand they don't even really exist. Shan people have their own language so learning Thai is extremely beneficial towards their success here in Thailand. It's so amazing that they have this opportunity thanks to The Blood Foundation. The children learn four subjects: Shan language and culture, Thai, English, and mathematics. We got there just as both the older and younger kids were eating their lunches. Perfect timing! We got to hang around and play soccer with the kids. I took some adorable photos of the kids brushing their teeth and just being super cute in general. Fred was telling us that before they eat they say a kind of grace that says something like "we're so lucky to have this food and I feel badly for those who have nothing to eat." These kids are practically in the bread line themselves yet they still think that way. If only Westerners could be so grateful.
Man, I really loved being there. I really want to get involved in something like that. Even when I'm in school back in Princeton I can totally go through with volunteering at the Cherry Tree Club--a preschool for local homeless children--which is a mere five minutes from my house. I've volunteered there before and it's wonderful. I had planned on volunteering once a week during the school year but now it feels as if I have to do it. Ideally, I'd love to set something up like that myself. There are so many things I can do right in my own area. Of course I'd love to come back to Thailand and other regions of the world, but for now, Cherry Tree is perfect.
We came back to the temple and met the newest addition, Eliano. He's originally from Italy but he's been living in Tokyo for the last 36 years. [Man the dogs are going nuts right now...I wonder why..I hope everything is okay!] Anyway, we hung around and talked, went to evening chanting, then had a chat outside (with Ben, too!) Funny story, Ben and I were born in the same hospital! Also, his birthday is the day before mine. A few years, too, but that's besides the point! So later on it was just me, SAm and Ben. [Oh my goshhh there's a huge commotion and squealing/barking. I wish I could do something!!! I feel horrible. I hope every doggy is okay, especially the new puppies and CK :[ :[ :[ They're so tiny. Okay upon looking out of my window all I can see are the dogs barking at two women in the Sala...but that doesn't explain the squealing and sad noises..still alarming. Okay it's dying down. Sucks for the people trying to sleep.]
OKAY ANYWAY. The talk with Ben was really good. We kind of expressed our opinions about Fred's one-sided teaching and he actually had very similar views. He was saying that the important part of religion is what it does to improve the world. We also talked about the program and our expectations and what we think we'll ultimately get out of it. Both he and Sam recommended a book for me so I'm going to probably start it now. It's A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and apparently it's Oprah approved. Wonderful. It's not Buddhist but that's all I really know about it. We'll see! Hopefully it gives me some insight. I'm hungry so hopefully sleeping will fix that. I'll wake up and be able to eat! (After waking up the initial four times, that is.)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sunday August 8, 2010
From my handwritten journal
Did NOT sleep well last night. I was up a lot. Woke up around 3 am with bites on the bottom of my left thigh. Bedbugs for sure ewww!!! So naturally that really freaked me out and it took a while to get back to sleep (of course only to wake up from the ringing of the bell. Oh man I can't wait to be back in my own bed. Six more nights here, one in Chiang Mai, and two in Bangkok...then one on the plane (yuck.)
So when I woke up I actually wasn't starving or anything. I had two bowls of Frosted Flakes. We sat around and talked this morning. Max and Becky left around 10. There are a TON of lay people here today. The second Sunday of every month is a Dhamma lesson and meditation and all sorts of things for them for the day. It's strangely mostly all women. Perhaps the men are working. We had lunch with them but (surprise surprise) I didn't eat very much. Sam and I went to go to some walking meditation but the space was occupied by lay people. Oh well! Time to read, I suppose.
8:10 pm
Same ol'. Talked lots, didn't eat past noon, went to evening chanting. I hung my bedding out in the sun so hopefully that took care of the bedbug problem...ugh ew I'm seriously so grossed out by that. We all talked about how being here isn't quite what we'd thought it'd be. Mike ended up meditating throughout the entire chanting and had a really big breakthrough with that, so that's definitely inspiring! I'm going to try to go to bed by 10...let's see how that goes.
Did NOT sleep well last night. I was up a lot. Woke up around 3 am with bites on the bottom of my left thigh. Bedbugs for sure ewww!!! So naturally that really freaked me out and it took a while to get back to sleep (of course only to wake up from the ringing of the bell. Oh man I can't wait to be back in my own bed. Six more nights here, one in Chiang Mai, and two in Bangkok...then one on the plane (yuck.)
So when I woke up I actually wasn't starving or anything. I had two bowls of Frosted Flakes. We sat around and talked this morning. Max and Becky left around 10. There are a TON of lay people here today. The second Sunday of every month is a Dhamma lesson and meditation and all sorts of things for them for the day. It's strangely mostly all women. Perhaps the men are working. We had lunch with them but (surprise surprise) I didn't eat very much. Sam and I went to go to some walking meditation but the space was occupied by lay people. Oh well! Time to read, I suppose.
8:10 pm
Same ol'. Talked lots, didn't eat past noon, went to evening chanting. I hung my bedding out in the sun so hopefully that took care of the bedbug problem...ugh ew I'm seriously so grossed out by that. We all talked about how being here isn't quite what we'd thought it'd be. Mike ended up meditating throughout the entire chanting and had a really big breakthrough with that, so that's definitely inspiring! I'm going to try to go to bed by 10...let's see how that goes.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Saturday August 7, 2010
From my handwritten journal
~1:45 pm
I took the 8 Precepts! Horrible day to do so, though. Right before lunch I started feeling really nauseous and as a result hardly touched my food. Man I'm going ot be hungryyy :/ We made a Tesco's run (the supermarket) and I got some Ovaltine, soy milk, bug spray, hand sanitizer, Nutella, cereal, throat drops, and a lighter (so I can actually light the mosquito coils!) The first evening chanting that we went to proved Ovaltine + soy milk (warm) is ridiculously delicious. Mmm. Can't wait. I'm glad we can still consume liquids past noon. Okay everyone kept telling me how comfortable fisherman's pants are..but I have to disagree. Sucks that I'll be living in them for the next week. I guess I can pack up my normal clothes now. Oh! So we finally had a practical meditation class this morning, both walking and sitting. Easy enough, be mindful of each little movement while walking, and count your breaths while sitting. I've already practiced some sitting meditation before coming here (and before OSHO.) Right now there's some sort of performance going on in the Sala. I'm pretty sure that Fred's 12 year old daughter is there. I hear lots of Kim (hammered dulcimer) being played. I'd love to go watch and take photos but I'm just not feeling up to it. Luckily I can hear it really well from my room. I'm about to nap, that sounds really great. I've got nothing until evening chanting so I'll probably finish up Introducing Buddha and maybe sew or something. Meditation would be good, of course. It's going to be a challenge to keep myself busy without specifically entertaining myself! I got hungry. I might cheat and have something very little to eat. I confirmed with Graham that those who are ill can exempt themselves from things like that. Health comes first! I'll put it off and then later have something to drink then take it from there. I'm already kiiind of cheating a precept now…my tunnels and nose ring are currently in. But again, no one is seeing it so it's not really "decoration." I think the other precepts are more important to follow (self discipline) anyway. Alright, nap time.
9:50 pm
Well, that was a great nap. I woke up a bunch of times but I was in bed for three hours. I started reading a new book, The User Guide to Life...The Moral Diet. I'm hoping this will be what I've been wanting to learn about. The little tag line is "A book of practical advice for understanding and following the Buddhist path to true happiness." Sounds good to me! So yeah, I've done great in terms of no food, especially for what little I ate for lunch. Since about noon all I've had is two cups of Ovaltine. I went to evening chanting tonight and then Fred came around for a chat. We all know what I think of those by I've just showered and cleaned my room. So refreshing! It's Max's last! I'm going to miss him. I guess I'll just have to go to Brazil :)
Today I finally took photos of the temple grounds. It was around 5 pm so it had fantastic lighting. Okay, time to read for a bit and then go to sleep. The sooner I wake up, the sooner I get to eat! Also...I can't believe tomorrow is Sunday!!
~1:45 pm
I took the 8 Precepts! Horrible day to do so, though. Right before lunch I started feeling really nauseous and as a result hardly touched my food. Man I'm going ot be hungryyy :/ We made a Tesco's run (the supermarket) and I got some Ovaltine, soy milk, bug spray, hand sanitizer, Nutella, cereal, throat drops, and a lighter (so I can actually light the mosquito coils!) The first evening chanting that we went to proved Ovaltine + soy milk (warm) is ridiculously delicious. Mmm. Can't wait. I'm glad we can still consume liquids past noon. Okay everyone kept telling me how comfortable fisherman's pants are..but I have to disagree. Sucks that I'll be living in them for the next week. I guess I can pack up my normal clothes now. Oh! So we finally had a practical meditation class this morning, both walking and sitting. Easy enough, be mindful of each little movement while walking, and count your breaths while sitting. I've already practiced some sitting meditation before coming here (and before OSHO.) Right now there's some sort of performance going on in the Sala. I'm pretty sure that Fred's 12 year old daughter is there. I hear lots of Kim (hammered dulcimer) being played. I'd love to go watch and take photos but I'm just not feeling up to it. Luckily I can hear it really well from my room. I'm about to nap, that sounds really great. I've got nothing until evening chanting so I'll probably finish up Introducing Buddha and maybe sew or something. Meditation would be good, of course. It's going to be a challenge to keep myself busy without specifically entertaining myself! I got hungry. I might cheat and have something very little to eat. I confirmed with Graham that those who are ill can exempt themselves from things like that. Health comes first! I'll put it off and then later have something to drink then take it from there. I'm already kiiind of cheating a precept now…my tunnels and nose ring are currently in. But again, no one is seeing it so it's not really "decoration." I think the other precepts are more important to follow (self discipline) anyway. Alright, nap time.
9:50 pm
Well, that was a great nap. I woke up a bunch of times but I was in bed for three hours. I started reading a new book, The User Guide to Life...The Moral Diet. I'm hoping this will be what I've been wanting to learn about. The little tag line is "A book of practical advice for understanding and following the Buddhist path to true happiness." Sounds good to me! So yeah, I've done great in terms of no food, especially for what little I ate for lunch. Since about noon all I've had is two cups of Ovaltine. I went to evening chanting tonight and then Fred came around for a chat. We all know what I think of those by I've just showered and cleaned my room. So refreshing! It's Max's last! I'm going to miss him. I guess I'll just have to go to Brazil :)
Today I finally took photos of the temple grounds. It was around 5 pm so it had fantastic lighting. Okay, time to read for a bit and then go to sleep. The sooner I wake up, the sooner I get to eat! Also...I can't believe tomorrow is Sunday!!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Friday August 6, 2010
From my handwritten journal
12:39 pm
I keep forgetting what day it is. I know that it's Friday (already?!) but the day of the month is always a mystery. Today is going to be low-key. I actually slept pretty okay last night--wayyy better than two nights ago. Man, I kept waking up and was super uncomfortable (of course) and woke up still feeling sick. It was actually surprisingly cool last night in the new room. I even used the comforter in addition to the thin sheet.
Okay so today -- woke up super tired, showered (with a real shower head!!) then had some oatmeal (couldn't do the hearty rice, chicken, and whatever meal that's always at the canteen)--eww just found a tick crawling on my pants :[ :[ thank goodness it didn't bite me, gross--Right, anyway, we had our Dhamma lesson with Fred then went to lunch. Pretty normal. I now have all of my up-to-date photos from here on Facebook. Tomorrow I take the 8 Precepts as we all know, so my computer will be strictly email and photos! I'm sure I've written that a million times already but doing so is reinforcing that restriction. Right now I jut want to nap. We're not going to the Daylight school today, too rainy and we'd have to sit in the back of the truck. I'm glad we're going another time, I really need to get some sleep (I still have a cold.) I think we're going to have one practical meditation session with Fred later on today. That should be good! Man, this whole journal is just repeating the same things over and over, eh? well, I guess it just goes to show what keeps going around in my head.
10:48 pm
Here we go…tomorrow is the big day. I'm going to be strict with myself and hope that Sam and Mike give me a good example (I'm sure they will.) Too bad for Max, on his last day we aren't going to be quite as much fun. I think this will be really good for me. We didn't end up having that practical meditation class with Fred (big surprise) but we do have that special lesson from a guy from the outside tomorrow. I'm hoping to spend a lot of my time in this next week reading about Buddhism and practicing meditation. Tonight I missed evening chanting but I could heard it loud and clear from my room. I won't miss it again but I just wasn't feeling up to it. Becky came by just before that with a teeny tiny white puppy that she named Bobby. She bought him for a local Thai man who's wanted a dog. How sweet :) What an adorable little ball of fluff.
12:39 pm
I keep forgetting what day it is. I know that it's Friday (already?!) but the day of the month is always a mystery. Today is going to be low-key. I actually slept pretty okay last night--wayyy better than two nights ago. Man, I kept waking up and was super uncomfortable (of course) and woke up still feeling sick. It was actually surprisingly cool last night in the new room. I even used the comforter in addition to the thin sheet.
Okay so today -- woke up super tired, showered (with a real shower head!!) then had some oatmeal (couldn't do the hearty rice, chicken, and whatever meal that's always at the canteen)--eww just found a tick crawling on my pants :[ :[ thank goodness it didn't bite me, gross--Right, anyway, we had our Dhamma lesson with Fred then went to lunch. Pretty normal. I now have all of my up-to-date photos from here on Facebook. Tomorrow I take the 8 Precepts as we all know, so my computer will be strictly email and photos! I'm sure I've written that a million times already but doing so is reinforcing that restriction. Right now I jut want to nap. We're not going to the Daylight school today, too rainy and we'd have to sit in the back of the truck. I'm glad we're going another time, I really need to get some sleep (I still have a cold.) I think we're going to have one practical meditation session with Fred later on today. That should be good! Man, this whole journal is just repeating the same things over and over, eh? well, I guess it just goes to show what keeps going around in my head.
10:48 pm
Here we go…tomorrow is the big day. I'm going to be strict with myself and hope that Sam and Mike give me a good example (I'm sure they will.) Too bad for Max, on his last day we aren't going to be quite as much fun. I think this will be really good for me. We didn't end up having that practical meditation class with Fred (big surprise) but we do have that special lesson from a guy from the outside tomorrow. I'm hoping to spend a lot of my time in this next week reading about Buddhism and practicing meditation. Tonight I missed evening chanting but I could heard it loud and clear from my room. I won't miss it again but I just wasn't feeling up to it. Becky came by just before that with a teeny tiny white puppy that she named Bobby. She bought him for a local Thai man who's wanted a dog. How sweet :) What an adorable little ball of fluff.
Thursday August 5, 2010
From my handwritten journal
Today was pretty standard. Breakfast around 8:30 with Max, fed my banana to the monkeys, then had a Dhamma lesson followed by lunch. I read more of Introducing Buddha and took a little nap. Sam and I hung out and played some cards (whoops!) We had two mini chats with Fred this evening. I went to evening chanting once again. It's getting easier to follow along but there are still parts that are either impossible/confusing transitions or just not in the packet at all. Oh well. I'm all set for my 8 Precepts ceremony on Saturday at 8:30 am. I'm excited! It will be extremely difficult to keep from singing, dancing, listening to music, and generally entertaining myself. Byebye Facebook and Google Reader. I'll probably continue to share pictures via Facebook but that's it. I'm going to try to be really strict with myself with the precepts. After all, that's why I'm here. I hope I can look back on these days and say "remember how hard it was? Yes, but I was self-disciplined and pushed through it" (which is very much how I look back on my DCI experience.) Plus, in the grand scheme of my life, eight days is a speck of sand. I can do this. I'm really not concerned with not eating after noon...I hardly eat anything here anyway. Plus I can have liquids (including ice pops!) as long as it isn't chewed. Cow's milk is considered food so that'll be left out of tea, however, soy milk is fair game.
Okay so...the more Fred talks about the 31 Planes of Existence and rebirth and karma and other Buddhist beliefs..the more discouraged I get. As I said, I'm here to gain knowledge about Buddhism, which I'm certainly doing. I also don't doubt that meditation, mindfulness, and the five precepts are great things that I can apply to my life back home (although I already try hard to keep the five.) I don't doubt that crazy things are possible once you get so lost (in tune with?) in your mind through meditation..I'm just skeptical that these things aren't completely personal and internal, rather than perceivable to the general population..and I guess therefore "true." I'm talking about those who reach certain "statuses" and gain special powers. I'm definitely incredibly impressed and respectful of people who know their minds so well...but if I don't see it or experience it for myself, I'm not a believer. I really have no reason to think that these things are true. Think of all the religions and culture that are so certain of their would be impossible for all of them to be true, most of them completely contradict each other. Either way, I'm really glad that I'm getting the opportunity to learn and see what the world has to offer.
In other news, I switched rooms with Sam, so now he and Mike are in the red kuti and I'm in a dorm-style room next to Max. there are two shared bathrooms, each with a (still cold) shower head and sink! Hooray! There are also screened windows so I can keep them open. I have a really great view of the Sala, which is really close by. I'm also excited to be a mere 10 steps or so from the common area where we all hang out/eat/have our lessons. Much more convenient! The kuti isn't far but it's still more annoying than just walking here. On Monday there are two more Monk for a Month people coming to the temple: a guy from Italy and a girl from Singapore. I might need to share a room with the girl. Of course it'd be better if I didn't, since my sleeping is really screwed I'm afraid she'll be loud in the mornings or something. There's nothing I hate more than people who don't try to be quiet and respectful to those sleeping. Seriously. But if that is the case, I can always do my nightly reading/writing in the common area. I hope my frequent blowing of the nose isn't too disturbing.. Graham didn't tell us the ages of the new people but hopefully we'll be able to relate! Regardless, I usually don't have a problem. I mean, Mike is 48 and we enjoy having him around :)
Today was pretty standard. Breakfast around 8:30 with Max, fed my banana to the monkeys, then had a Dhamma lesson followed by lunch. I read more of Introducing Buddha and took a little nap. Sam and I hung out and played some cards (whoops!) We had two mini chats with Fred this evening. I went to evening chanting once again. It's getting easier to follow along but there are still parts that are either impossible/confusing transitions or just not in the packet at all. Oh well. I'm all set for my 8 Precepts ceremony on Saturday at 8:30 am. I'm excited! It will be extremely difficult to keep from singing, dancing, listening to music, and generally entertaining myself. Byebye Facebook and Google Reader. I'll probably continue to share pictures via Facebook but that's it. I'm going to try to be really strict with myself with the precepts. After all, that's why I'm here. I hope I can look back on these days and say "remember how hard it was? Yes, but I was self-disciplined and pushed through it" (which is very much how I look back on my DCI experience.) Plus, in the grand scheme of my life, eight days is a speck of sand. I can do this. I'm really not concerned with not eating after noon...I hardly eat anything here anyway. Plus I can have liquids (including ice pops!) as long as it isn't chewed. Cow's milk is considered food so that'll be left out of tea, however, soy milk is fair game.
Okay so...the more Fred talks about the 31 Planes of Existence and rebirth and karma and other Buddhist beliefs..the more discouraged I get. As I said, I'm here to gain knowledge about Buddhism, which I'm certainly doing. I also don't doubt that meditation, mindfulness, and the five precepts are great things that I can apply to my life back home (although I already try hard to keep the five.) I don't doubt that crazy things are possible once you get so lost (in tune with?) in your mind through meditation..I'm just skeptical that these things aren't completely personal and internal, rather than perceivable to the general population..and I guess therefore "true." I'm talking about those who reach certain "statuses" and gain special powers. I'm definitely incredibly impressed and respectful of people who know their minds so well...but if I don't see it or experience it for myself, I'm not a believer. I really have no reason to think that these things are true. Think of all the religions and culture that are so certain of their would be impossible for all of them to be true, most of them completely contradict each other. Either way, I'm really glad that I'm getting the opportunity to learn and see what the world has to offer.
In other news, I switched rooms with Sam, so now he and Mike are in the red kuti and I'm in a dorm-style room next to Max. there are two shared bathrooms, each with a (still cold) shower head and sink! Hooray! There are also screened windows so I can keep them open. I have a really great view of the Sala, which is really close by. I'm also excited to be a mere 10 steps or so from the common area where we all hang out/eat/have our lessons. Much more convenient! The kuti isn't far but it's still more annoying than just walking here. On Monday there are two more Monk for a Month people coming to the temple: a guy from Italy and a girl from Singapore. I might need to share a room with the girl. Of course it'd be better if I didn't, since my sleeping is really screwed I'm afraid she'll be loud in the mornings or something. There's nothing I hate more than people who don't try to be quiet and respectful to those sleeping. Seriously. But if that is the case, I can always do my nightly reading/writing in the common area. I hope my frequent blowing of the nose isn't too disturbing.. Graham didn't tell us the ages of the new people but hopefully we'll be able to relate! Regardless, I usually don't have a problem. I mean, Mike is 48 and we enjoy having him around :)
Wednesday August 4, 2010
From my handwritten journal
Yesterday I woke up at 8. Well, I got up at 8. I was woken up at 4 by the ringing of the bell and barking of the dogs. When I got up I took my first cold bucket shower. I had a dream that I had a sink in my bathroom. Waking up was pretty disappointing. I took my time getting ready and organizing my stuff, and by 9:30 Graham brought us our breakfast. I think I'm going to come home pretty thin. My size 2 pants are already falling off. Although they just might need to go in the dryer. I've been eating just mostly rice. I think I want to eat vegetarian while I'm here. It's not a Thai Buddhist thing--as long as you didn't kill the animal yourself or it wasn't killed especially for you--but it'll earn me "merit."
So anyway, Yesterday we went to a government school that had some sort of festival with food and performances. I got some awesome photos of the children and events. A few military people did a freaky snake show which yielded some great facial expressions for the photos. The Dutch family was there again. One of the performances was storytelling "The Tortoise and the Hare" in English. Adorable! After that (still riding in the back of the truck) we stopped for lunch before stopping at the supermarket. Luckily I was able to find some flesh-colored underwear for when I'll be wearing white cotton after I take on the 8 Precepts. We stopped there to pick up drinking water for Serene's stay at the forest temple. She's been here for two weeks and she's spending ten days at the isolated temple. She's in her thirties and from Singapore. The temple was pretty amazing. It's a cave. We sat around and talked with the Abbott for a while. After that we left and Max and I went for a one hour Thai massage. I don't know how why I keep getting them...they hurt! we came back, ate dinner, then hung out. We went to evening chanting at 6:30 which was pretty cooo. Pretty uncomfortable to sit for that long (roughly an hour,) but luckily we had little cushions. The chanting is all done in Pali--the ancient language of Buddha's time. It's only a spoken language, so it's written phonetically with any alphabet that you'd like. In the evening Sam, Max, and I shared music and talked. Sam and I actually ended up staying up until midnight--yay bonding! It was mostly me talking about my life and such (what else is new) but next time I'd like to learn more about him.
This morning I once again got up at 8. I think I'm going to end up "showering" every other takes forever and it's not exactly enjoyable. Breakfast at 8:30 (rice, fried eggs, some sort of greens and little bit of chicken,) then my first Dhamma lesson at 9! It lasted two hours and it was Fred teaching all four of us. We dipped our feet into a discussion about karma and rebirth and the different 31 Planes of Existence (hells, heavens, human life, animal life, crazy bodiless states..etc.) It was explained that the Dhamma is just discovered truths, not made up by Buddha or anyone else. To be honestly I'm not really buying this stuff but it's great to learn about it and think about it for myself. Fred talked about certain monks who have reached levels of enlightenment who acquire special powers and all sorts of crazy things. They can't show off/speak about it or else they'll be asked to disrobe. How convenient...We just had lunch with Ben (Australian who is a big part of The Blood Foundation) and now Sam and I are sitting outside writing. I actually didn't eat lunch. Not hungry yet! They have two big pens here, one with two monkeys and one with a bunch of bunnies. I want to snuggle the bunnies so badly!!! After I'm done writing I'm going to start reading Introducing Buddha. At some point I need to reinforce the flag patches on my backpack. RIP Cayman Islands patch :( I really hope we start meditation classes soon so I can practice. Once I take the 8 Precepts I can't read leisurely or entertain myself. I should get all of that stuff out of the way. Since the lessons started late I'll probably take them at the very end of the week or maybe even Sunday. Okay Saturday, probably. I think that'll be good. So that means I can to not eat after noon, no makeup or jewelry, no dancing, singing, or entertainment, and no comfy beds, chairs, or putting my feet up. I'll have to wear white robes, too. Man, what a crazy experience!
"What did you do this summer?"
"Oh, just lived amongst monks in a Buddhist temple in Northern Thailand"
At least once I want to give an English lesson to the school here on temple grounds. How cool!
I took a little nap and woke up to a huge storm. I went to evening chanting again; there's one part that has such a beautiful melody. I want to start learning the pali chants for my 8 Precepts! Apparently tomorrow is our first meditation lesson! Ben told me that on Saturday someone else will be at the temple to teach us more. I'm really excited! While I'm here I hope to cross the Burmese border. I know the country is in shambles but Ben said that it's quite safe for us--everything in terms of conflict is internal. Plus, I'd only be right over the border and for not very long. I can't blieve that tomorrow is Thursday already. I think either tomorrow or Friday we're going ot go up to the Daylight school. It's now 10:30 and I should really try to get to sleep. I need to start waking up'll make eating lunch at 110:30 and dinner at 5 a lot easier. I actually skipped both meals today because I wasn't hungry...I did have a bag of chips and a popsicle, though..gross. I'm definitely tinking I'll be fine with just consuming liquids after noon. I'm clearly not very hungry here anyway. I still have yet to open up Introducing Buddha (however I did manage to read the first 20 pages or so of Elephants on Acid.) I'll do the entertaining things pre-precepts and the Buddhist things AKA readings/entertainment once I take them on.) I think I'll read a few page of this book before heading to sleep. I've got a bit of a cold so that sucks. Goodnight!
Yesterday I woke up at 8. Well, I got up at 8. I was woken up at 4 by the ringing of the bell and barking of the dogs. When I got up I took my first cold bucket shower. I had a dream that I had a sink in my bathroom. Waking up was pretty disappointing. I took my time getting ready and organizing my stuff, and by 9:30 Graham brought us our breakfast. I think I'm going to come home pretty thin. My size 2 pants are already falling off. Although they just might need to go in the dryer. I've been eating just mostly rice. I think I want to eat vegetarian while I'm here. It's not a Thai Buddhist thing--as long as you didn't kill the animal yourself or it wasn't killed especially for you--but it'll earn me "merit."
So anyway, Yesterday we went to a government school that had some sort of festival with food and performances. I got some awesome photos of the children and events. A few military people did a freaky snake show which yielded some great facial expressions for the photos. The Dutch family was there again. One of the performances was storytelling "The Tortoise and the Hare" in English. Adorable! After that (still riding in the back of the truck) we stopped for lunch before stopping at the supermarket. Luckily I was able to find some flesh-colored underwear for when I'll be wearing white cotton after I take on the 8 Precepts. We stopped there to pick up drinking water for Serene's stay at the forest temple. She's been here for two weeks and she's spending ten days at the isolated temple. She's in her thirties and from Singapore. The temple was pretty amazing. It's a cave. We sat around and talked with the Abbott for a while. After that we left and Max and I went for a one hour Thai massage. I don't know how why I keep getting them...they hurt! we came back, ate dinner, then hung out. We went to evening chanting at 6:30 which was pretty cooo. Pretty uncomfortable to sit for that long (roughly an hour,) but luckily we had little cushions. The chanting is all done in Pali--the ancient language of Buddha's time. It's only a spoken language, so it's written phonetically with any alphabet that you'd like. In the evening Sam, Max, and I shared music and talked. Sam and I actually ended up staying up until midnight--yay bonding! It was mostly me talking about my life and such (what else is new) but next time I'd like to learn more about him.
This morning I once again got up at 8. I think I'm going to end up "showering" every other takes forever and it's not exactly enjoyable. Breakfast at 8:30 (rice, fried eggs, some sort of greens and little bit of chicken,) then my first Dhamma lesson at 9! It lasted two hours and it was Fred teaching all four of us. We dipped our feet into a discussion about karma and rebirth and the different 31 Planes of Existence (hells, heavens, human life, animal life, crazy bodiless states..etc.) It was explained that the Dhamma is just discovered truths, not made up by Buddha or anyone else. To be honestly I'm not really buying this stuff but it's great to learn about it and think about it for myself. Fred talked about certain monks who have reached levels of enlightenment who acquire special powers and all sorts of crazy things. They can't show off/speak about it or else they'll be asked to disrobe. How convenient...We just had lunch with Ben (Australian who is a big part of The Blood Foundation) and now Sam and I are sitting outside writing. I actually didn't eat lunch. Not hungry yet! They have two big pens here, one with two monkeys and one with a bunch of bunnies. I want to snuggle the bunnies so badly!!! After I'm done writing I'm going to start reading Introducing Buddha. At some point I need to reinforce the flag patches on my backpack. RIP Cayman Islands patch :( I really hope we start meditation classes soon so I can practice. Once I take the 8 Precepts I can't read leisurely or entertain myself. I should get all of that stuff out of the way. Since the lessons started late I'll probably take them at the very end of the week or maybe even Sunday. Okay Saturday, probably. I think that'll be good. So that means I can to not eat after noon, no makeup or jewelry, no dancing, singing, or entertainment, and no comfy beds, chairs, or putting my feet up. I'll have to wear white robes, too. Man, what a crazy experience!
"What did you do this summer?"
"Oh, just lived amongst monks in a Buddhist temple in Northern Thailand"
At least once I want to give an English lesson to the school here on temple grounds. How cool!
I took a little nap and woke up to a huge storm. I went to evening chanting again; there's one part that has such a beautiful melody. I want to start learning the pali chants for my 8 Precepts! Apparently tomorrow is our first meditation lesson! Ben told me that on Saturday someone else will be at the temple to teach us more. I'm really excited! While I'm here I hope to cross the Burmese border. I know the country is in shambles but Ben said that it's quite safe for us--everything in terms of conflict is internal. Plus, I'd only be right over the border and for not very long. I can't blieve that tomorrow is Thursday already. I think either tomorrow or Friday we're going ot go up to the Daylight school. It's now 10:30 and I should really try to get to sleep. I need to start waking up'll make eating lunch at 110:30 and dinner at 5 a lot easier. I actually skipped both meals today because I wasn't hungry...I did have a bag of chips and a popsicle, though..gross. I'm definitely tinking I'll be fine with just consuming liquids after noon. I'm clearly not very hungry here anyway. I still have yet to open up Introducing Buddha (however I did manage to read the first 20 pages or so of Elephants on Acid.) I'll do the entertaining things pre-precepts and the Buddhist things AKA readings/entertainment once I take them on.) I think I'll read a few page of this book before heading to sleep. I've got a bit of a cold so that sucks. Goodnight!
Monday August 2, 2010
From my handwritten journal
Monk For a Month - Day 1
I arrived at the temple around 1:30 after taking a mini van from Chiang Mai to Fang. There are three others doing the program here with me: Sam, 22, from Australia, Max, 26, from Brazil, and Mike, 48, from Scotland (but now living in Bangkok.) Mike isn't staying at the temple tonight, but the three of us have been getting along great! We've been hanging out and just talking a lot. Today we went to a temple-turned-school, the grand opening! I got some pretty neat photos of the monks and children. The school was a project by The Blood Foundation. Becky, 17, from Switzerland came with us. She's volunteering and teaching English and what not, not part of the MFAM program. The four of us rode in the back of a pickup truck. Ahh! At the school was also a Dutch family of five. They were really neat to talk to. I think we'll be seeing them again tomorrow.
So I think my stay here will be really interesting. Tomorrow is Buddha Day so there will be some special things going on. We're actually headed to another school in the morning after our 8:30 breakfast. I'm really excited to start the actual lessons. I like how Buddhism encompasses philosophy. Okay, so my room. There are two very thin mattresses on a wooden plank. There's a little shelf thing and a desk with a fan. I'm thankful for my mosquito net and bug repellent coil thing. Also, the window shut completely so it'll stay dark in the morning! Oh, I have my own bathroom. Or should I say--non-flushable (well, manual) toilet, buckets, scoop, and faucet. Tomorrow morning will be my first cold bucket shower. I don't like the lack of sink...I need to get more hand sanitizer to make hand washing easier.
Right now I think the biggest issue for me is whether or not I want to take the 8 Precepts. I really want to...when will I ever again get this opportunity/experience? But dong so would mean taking out my nose ring and tunnels. I asked Graham (the guest coordinator here at the temple) if I could put them back in when I'm in my room alone...but he advised against it, although ultimately it's my choice. Honestly, I'll probably end up doing that. It's not decoration if no one is seeing it...not even me (no mirror!) Maybe I'll leave them in during the night but only poke during the day. Ugh, what a stupid conflict. Man, I hope this book has enough room for everything!
Ooh, there are doggies all around the temple. Only one has a sort of name--Chicken Killer, or "C.K." She's known to kill chickens, whoops. I like how she follows me around and is always wagging her tail. What a cutie!!
Okay it's about 11 pm now and I'm tired! I've got plenty of time later to write in here.
Monk For a Month - Day 1
I arrived at the temple around 1:30 after taking a mini van from Chiang Mai to Fang. There are three others doing the program here with me: Sam, 22, from Australia, Max, 26, from Brazil, and Mike, 48, from Scotland (but now living in Bangkok.) Mike isn't staying at the temple tonight, but the three of us have been getting along great! We've been hanging out and just talking a lot. Today we went to a temple-turned-school, the grand opening! I got some pretty neat photos of the monks and children. The school was a project by The Blood Foundation. Becky, 17, from Switzerland came with us. She's volunteering and teaching English and what not, not part of the MFAM program. The four of us rode in the back of a pickup truck. Ahh! At the school was also a Dutch family of five. They were really neat to talk to. I think we'll be seeing them again tomorrow.
So I think my stay here will be really interesting. Tomorrow is Buddha Day so there will be some special things going on. We're actually headed to another school in the morning after our 8:30 breakfast. I'm really excited to start the actual lessons. I like how Buddhism encompasses philosophy. Okay, so my room. There are two very thin mattresses on a wooden plank. There's a little shelf thing and a desk with a fan. I'm thankful for my mosquito net and bug repellent coil thing. Also, the window shut completely so it'll stay dark in the morning! Oh, I have my own bathroom. Or should I say--non-flushable (well, manual) toilet, buckets, scoop, and faucet. Tomorrow morning will be my first cold bucket shower. I don't like the lack of sink...I need to get more hand sanitizer to make hand washing easier.
Right now I think the biggest issue for me is whether or not I want to take the 8 Precepts. I really want to...when will I ever again get this opportunity/experience? But dong so would mean taking out my nose ring and tunnels. I asked Graham (the guest coordinator here at the temple) if I could put them back in when I'm in my room alone...but he advised against it, although ultimately it's my choice. Honestly, I'll probably end up doing that. It's not decoration if no one is seeing it...not even me (no mirror!) Maybe I'll leave them in during the night but only poke during the day. Ugh, what a stupid conflict. Man, I hope this book has enough room for everything!
Ooh, there are doggies all around the temple. Only one has a sort of name--Chicken Killer, or "C.K." She's known to kill chickens, whoops. I like how she follows me around and is always wagging her tail. What a cutie!!
Okay it's about 11 pm now and I'm tired! I've got plenty of time later to write in here.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Quick update!
I need to leave to catch the van to Fang really I'm eating this will be quick!
I'm in Chiang Mai. There wasn't any room at Julie's but we stayed in a place next door. I hung out there anyway. Made some friends: Seb from London, Laura from somewhere else in England, Isabel from Melbourne, and ??? from Ireland (?)
We drank some beers and I taught them how to play two ball (!!) and then eventually we went out to a reggae bar. I'll post the pictures later, it was super fun. The live band played a bunch of ska and I was the only one who knew how to skank. Ahh it was so much fun!
I'm excited but kind of nervous for the temple. Here we go...
I'm in Chiang Mai. There wasn't any room at Julie's but we stayed in a place next door. I hung out there anyway. Made some friends: Seb from London, Laura from somewhere else in England, Isabel from Melbourne, and ??? from Ireland (?)
We drank some beers and I taught them how to play two ball (!!) and then eventually we went out to a reggae bar. I'll post the pictures later, it was super fun. The live band played a bunch of ska and I was the only one who knew how to skank. Ahh it was so much fun!
I'm excited but kind of nervous for the temple. Here we go...
Sunday, August 1, 2010
It's 8:50 am and I've already completed a 5k. Well...I would've liked to have run more of it, but Sham was my buddy and she's not feeling so hot so we walked a bit of it. Sucks. I could've had a better time :[

Yesterday we went to the tallest tower in Thailand, which is like chump change compared to New York. It's 84 floors, with a sweet view:

They had some neat things to take pictures with and of course was as goofy as possible:

We also went to get massages. I'm so glad this time it wasn't sketchy.. I got a Thai massage for the first time. They stretch you out and it's rather nice. I think if I was less flexible it'd be pretty horrible, though. Ummm I bought a pair of shoes for like $4, so that's pretty sweet.
Today we head up to Chiang Mai. I don't know whose bright idea it was to wait until the very last second to buy tickets...but the sleeper train is all sold out. So we're flying. Not that I'm complaining about that but it's just frustrating when things don't get done. Julie's Place [guesthouse] tonight! eee I had so much fun there last time. One night in Chiang Mai then off to the temple!!! For now it's time to shower and sleep and pack for my trip. I'm going to leave stuff I don't need with Sham here in Bangkok.
Yesterday we went to the tallest tower in Thailand, which is like chump change compared to New York. It's 84 floors, with a sweet view:
They had some neat things to take pictures with and of course was as goofy as possible:
We also went to get massages. I'm so glad this time it wasn't sketchy.. I got a Thai massage for the first time. They stretch you out and it's rather nice. I think if I was less flexible it'd be pretty horrible, though. Ummm I bought a pair of shoes for like $4, so that's pretty sweet.
Today we head up to Chiang Mai. I don't know whose bright idea it was to wait until the very last second to buy tickets...but the sleeper train is all sold out. So we're flying. Not that I'm complaining about that but it's just frustrating when things don't get done. Julie's Place [guesthouse] tonight! eee I had so much fun there last time. One night in Chiang Mai then off to the temple!!! For now it's time to shower and sleep and pack for my trip. I'm going to leave stuff I don't need with Sham here in Bangkok.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Hello, Thailand
Ah, where to begin..
Yesterday morning (9:30) I got in my maroon robes and went down to OSHO via auto rickshaw, which is about a 2 minute ride. I kind of regret not going to the earlier meditations, but I was so tired! Oh well, can't go back in time. So I arrived for the "Welcome Morning" and that was interesting. It was a three hour welcome program that include short examples of some of the meditations and a tour around the resort. There were about twenty of us in the group. I talked to a bunch of people, all much older. I don't really know names (oops) but they were from Australia, South Africa, Germany/Chicago, and some unknown Eastern European country. I did make a friend whom
I spent most of the day with. His name is Giampaolo and he's from Italy. He's probably in his mid 40's. I know that might seem a little weird, but then I remember that I'm actually pretty tight with some of my parents' friends (sup, Val and Chris) and former teachers (wuddup, D-Rad.) So yeah, he was really laid back and easy/fun to talk to. Something kind of funny about the Welcome Morning, the woman mentioned that you see a lot of people hugging because it's a great way to share energy. Then she added "but you can't just go hugging everyone, it has to be a mutual hug" and I felt like I was in kindergarten.
Unfortunately we didn't watch the clock close enough and missed the "Silent Sitting Meditation" by like three minutes. Soooo I only got to go to one meditation, the Nadabrahma Meditation. I spent 30 minutes humming, 7.5 minutes reeeeeally slowly pushing my palms-up hands from my torso out in front of me and then out and around...then 7.5 minutes the other way. Then 15 minutes sitting in silence. I could have stayed for the Kundalini meditation again because someeeeeone (coughdadcough) was late and I totally had enough time to stay. So that really sucks, two days and only two meditations. I really wish I had at least another day or two at OSHO. Maybe one day I'll go back...maybe. There's apparently a branch in Manhattan but I can't imagine that that'd be the same at all. I can't remember if I already mentioned that in my other post but whatever.
Oh yeah, no photography allowed at OSHO. Lame!
So back to the apartment I went. We left for Mumbai via car and got there around 10:30 or something. After finally being able to check in (there was a "suspect bag" or something) we finally got on the plane. I was so stoked to get the window seat of an exit row. Although it turned kind of bittersweet because I fiiiinally get that opportunity but then there was a row (of 2) with no one in it. So I took the chance to lie down across those two seats. It actually was not very back is killllling me today. So yeah, I slept maybe like three crappy hours on the plane before landing in Bangkok. Upon picking up my bag I saw that my Cayman Islands patch was ripped off :[[[[ I'm going to reinforce all of the other patches soon so that doesn't happen again. Sucks. Oh oh oh, while waiting in line for security at the airport, I legit saw a name on the news (TV) that read "Sheila Dikshit." Suckssss to the max.
I'm back here at Saladaeng Residence, where I stayed in December/January. We're here for one night, as tomorrow we board the sleeper train to Chiang Mai. I go to the Buddhist temple for two weeks on Monday! So these posts will cease. I'll be hand writing in a journal from then on out but I'm not really sure if I'll post it. Probably most of it but I can imagine some things will be kind of personal. I'm a little nervous to go to the temple. Two weeks is kind of a long time, plus the type of meditation is completely different. OSHO is all about dancing and relieving stress and celebrating life. Buddhist meditation is ancient and very silent and still. Whatever, either way it'll definitely be an amazing life experience. I'm sure I'll go on day trips and do some fun things. Apparently there are five or six others that will be staying at the temple at the same time. Hopefully they're cool.
Today I think we're going to go to Chinatown/Coffee Society/go get massages or something. Take it kind of easy. I've already done the super touristy things in Bangkok so it's nice not to feel like I have to go out and do a ton of stuff. Plus I'll be back here for two days at the end of my trip.
Tomorrow we're running(/walking) a 5k...we'll see how that goes. Yay Thailand! It's great to be back, I love it here.
(I'm not sure how to apply the new time zone to just one post...not sure if I can, but just add an hour and a half to each new post from now on)
Yesterday morning (9:30) I got in my maroon robes and went down to OSHO via auto rickshaw, which is about a 2 minute ride. I kind of regret not going to the earlier meditations, but I was so tired! Oh well, can't go back in time. So I arrived for the "Welcome Morning" and that was interesting. It was a three hour welcome program that include short examples of some of the meditations and a tour around the resort. There were about twenty of us in the group. I talked to a bunch of people, all much older. I don't really know names (oops) but they were from Australia, South Africa, Germany/Chicago, and some unknown Eastern European country. I did make a friend whom
I spent most of the day with. His name is Giampaolo and he's from Italy. He's probably in his mid 40's. I know that might seem a little weird, but then I remember that I'm actually pretty tight with some of my parents' friends (sup, Val and Chris) and former teachers (wuddup, D-Rad.) So yeah, he was really laid back and easy/fun to talk to. Something kind of funny about the Welcome Morning, the woman mentioned that you see a lot of people hugging because it's a great way to share energy. Then she added "but you can't just go hugging everyone, it has to be a mutual hug" and I felt like I was in kindergarten.
Unfortunately we didn't watch the clock close enough and missed the "Silent Sitting Meditation" by like three minutes. Soooo I only got to go to one meditation, the Nadabrahma Meditation. I spent 30 minutes humming, 7.5 minutes reeeeeally slowly pushing my palms-up hands from my torso out in front of me and then out and around...then 7.5 minutes the other way. Then 15 minutes sitting in silence. I could have stayed for the Kundalini meditation again because someeeeeone (coughdadcough) was late and I totally had enough time to stay. So that really sucks, two days and only two meditations. I really wish I had at least another day or two at OSHO. Maybe one day I'll go back...maybe. There's apparently a branch in Manhattan but I can't imagine that that'd be the same at all. I can't remember if I already mentioned that in my other post but whatever.
Oh yeah, no photography allowed at OSHO. Lame!
So back to the apartment I went. We left for Mumbai via car and got there around 10:30 or something. After finally being able to check in (there was a "suspect bag" or something) we finally got on the plane. I was so stoked to get the window seat of an exit row. Although it turned kind of bittersweet because I fiiiinally get that opportunity but then there was a row (of 2) with no one in it. So I took the chance to lie down across those two seats. It actually was not very back is killllling me today. So yeah, I slept maybe like three crappy hours on the plane before landing in Bangkok. Upon picking up my bag I saw that my Cayman Islands patch was ripped off :[[[[ I'm going to reinforce all of the other patches soon so that doesn't happen again. Sucks. Oh oh oh, while waiting in line for security at the airport, I legit saw a name on the news (TV) that read "Sheila Dikshit." Suckssss to the max.
I'm back here at Saladaeng Residence, where I stayed in December/January. We're here for one night, as tomorrow we board the sleeper train to Chiang Mai. I go to the Buddhist temple for two weeks on Monday! So these posts will cease. I'll be hand writing in a journal from then on out but I'm not really sure if I'll post it. Probably most of it but I can imagine some things will be kind of personal. I'm a little nervous to go to the temple. Two weeks is kind of a long time, plus the type of meditation is completely different. OSHO is all about dancing and relieving stress and celebrating life. Buddhist meditation is ancient and very silent and still. Whatever, either way it'll definitely be an amazing life experience. I'm sure I'll go on day trips and do some fun things. Apparently there are five or six others that will be staying at the temple at the same time. Hopefully they're cool.
Today I think we're going to go to Chinatown/Coffee Society/go get massages or something. Take it kind of easy. I've already done the super touristy things in Bangkok so it's nice not to feel like I have to go out and do a ton of stuff. Plus I'll be back here for two days at the end of my trip.
Tomorrow we're running(/walking) a 5k...we'll see how that goes. Yay Thailand! It's great to be back, I love it here.
(I'm not sure how to apply the new time zone to just one post...not sure if I can, but just add an hour and a half to each new post from now on)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Well, I don't have HIV
Always a good thing to hear, eh?
Today was interesting, different, and fun! This morning Sham and I went to get henna done. My palms are now so fancy!

Afterward I went to OSHO Meditation Resort. Immediately I had to get tested for HIV..I'll admit, some "loving" things can go on when there are a lot of hippies in one place, but that's definitely not the point of the resort!!! I know you all were really worried for me and all, but I'm happy to share that I am HIV free.
OSHO a really neat, yet really silly environment. During the daytime everyone wears maroon robes, and at night they're white robes. The type of meditation is contemporary and very energetic. I like it although it's not all for me. I'm excited to see how tomorrow goes, I'll be there from 9:45-5:00 pm.
Since I was at the resort alone, it was nice when someone came to talk to me. I don't remember his name but he's 21 and from somewhere in India. We were the youngest by far. Okay there were a few people in their late 20's or so but mostly mid 30's+. Again, I'm glad he came and talked to me but...ugh he's like a leech. I feel bad saying that because he's really nice..but seriously, give me some time to myself!! Even during the meditations he was all over me and I felt self conscious and weird (It was during a completely freestyle dance.) He even mentioned how he was possibly looking for a girlfriend while he was there.
(He would be a very bad person to read this post..) Nothing's sacred on the internet but let's hope for the best..
Anyway, at 9:30 we headed to the Hard Rock Cafe (super Indian, right?) for Luigi's birthday. The only other people there were two other Italians, a married couple, probably in their early-mid forties. They were fun! We had lots and lots of food and there was music and beer and cake! That was the first alcohol I've had on this whole trip. Sham took a ton of pictures so I'll steal those and get them on Facbeook eventually. I really had a great time :]

It's late (for my body, at least) and it's time for sleeeeep, but I'm totally packed for tomorrow! I'm shocked that everything fits in my backpack...including my camera case. I'm very, very impressed. Off to Bangkok tomorrow night!! I'm not sure what we're doing on Saturday, but Sunday is the "mini marathon" (which is actually a 5k,) and then that night we're taking a sleeper train to Chiang Mai. I go to the temple on Monday afternoon :D
PS: I miss my friends
Today was interesting, different, and fun! This morning Sham and I went to get henna done. My palms are now so fancy!
Afterward I went to OSHO Meditation Resort. Immediately I had to get tested for HIV..I'll admit, some "loving" things can go on when there are a lot of hippies in one place, but that's definitely not the point of the resort!!! I know you all were really worried for me and all, but I'm happy to share that I am HIV free.
OSHO a really neat, yet really silly environment. During the daytime everyone wears maroon robes, and at night they're white robes. The type of meditation is contemporary and very energetic. I like it although it's not all for me. I'm excited to see how tomorrow goes, I'll be there from 9:45-5:00 pm.
Since I was at the resort alone, it was nice when someone came to talk to me. I don't remember his name but he's 21 and from somewhere in India. We were the youngest by far. Okay there were a few people in their late 20's or so but mostly mid 30's+. Again, I'm glad he came and talked to me but...ugh he's like a leech. I feel bad saying that because he's really nice..but seriously, give me some time to myself!! Even during the meditations he was all over me and I felt self conscious and weird (It was during a completely freestyle dance.) He even mentioned how he was possibly looking for a girlfriend while he was there.
(He would be a very bad person to read this post..) Nothing's sacred on the internet but let's hope for the best..
Anyway, at 9:30 we headed to the Hard Rock Cafe (super Indian, right?) for Luigi's birthday. The only other people there were two other Italians, a married couple, probably in their early-mid forties. They were fun! We had lots and lots of food and there was music and beer and cake! That was the first alcohol I've had on this whole trip. Sham took a ton of pictures so I'll steal those and get them on Facbeook eventually. I really had a great time :]
It's late (for my body, at least) and it's time for sleeeeep, but I'm totally packed for tomorrow! I'm shocked that everything fits in my backpack...including my camera case. I'm very, very impressed. Off to Bangkok tomorrow night!! I'm not sure what we're doing on Saturday, but Sunday is the "mini marathon" (which is actually a 5k,) and then that night we're taking a sleeper train to Chiang Mai. I go to the temple on Monday afternoon :D
PS: I miss my friends
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
First of all, is anyone actually reading this? I'll reiterate, it's definitely for me to look back on and remember every stupid, meticulous detail about my trip...but I am curious if anyone is actually reading it. LET ME KNOW.
Anyway, today has been super tiring. I woke up at about 7:15 am and was so excited about finishing my drawing (shading, actually) that I stayed up and finished it. Here:

Only really faint, basic outlines were provided. And a shaded version on the other page. Okay whatever, I'm learning.
Then I started drawing eyes!

Who knows, maybe if I don't get bored/frustrated I'll actually pick up drawing as a legit hobby. So far so good, I really like it.
Anyway...Sham and I were intent on finding a yoga place this morning. We walked around for about two and a half hours before finally calling it quits. We got the name and number of some guy who teaches but apparently it's only in the mornings of certain we were told no one would take us for just one class/lesson. Bummer. However, in our search, we came across the Osho International Meditation Centre. There's a large possibility that I'm going to go there for a few hours tomorrow and nearly all day on Friday. I have to wear maroon robes and I just meditate all day (guided, of course.) Apparently there's one other branch in New York. Interesting...but I can't imagine that it'd be anything like this one. There are 28 acres or something on this campus. Very peaceful and beautiful.
Tonight someone that works for my dad took us out shopping. Her name is Soni and she's 25. I went to about six different shops looking for something somewhat luck. I'll try department stores again. I managed to buy a neat little wall hanging for my room...not that I have any wall space but I'll make it fit somewhere (ooh ah?)
Then we went out for dinner and talked and hung out and it was nice, she's really cool. Man I'm super wiped! Oh, tomorrow we're meeting that Italian guy Luigi and a colleague of his/his girlfriend/some other French guy for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. That should be interesting. Apparently it's Luigi's 23rd birthday. Ooh I'd feel so creepy if he found these posts and read about himself. Ew, weirdddd.
Okay I think it's time for sleepies.
Anyway, today has been super tiring. I woke up at about 7:15 am and was so excited about finishing my drawing (shading, actually) that I stayed up and finished it. Here:
Only really faint, basic outlines were provided. And a shaded version on the other page. Okay whatever, I'm learning.
Then I started drawing eyes!
Who knows, maybe if I don't get bored/frustrated I'll actually pick up drawing as a legit hobby. So far so good, I really like it.
Anyway...Sham and I were intent on finding a yoga place this morning. We walked around for about two and a half hours before finally calling it quits. We got the name and number of some guy who teaches but apparently it's only in the mornings of certain we were told no one would take us for just one class/lesson. Bummer. However, in our search, we came across the Osho International Meditation Centre. There's a large possibility that I'm going to go there for a few hours tomorrow and nearly all day on Friday. I have to wear maroon robes and I just meditate all day (guided, of course.) Apparently there's one other branch in New York. Interesting...but I can't imagine that it'd be anything like this one. There are 28 acres or something on this campus. Very peaceful and beautiful.
Tonight someone that works for my dad took us out shopping. Her name is Soni and she's 25. I went to about six different shops looking for something somewhat luck. I'll try department stores again. I managed to buy a neat little wall hanging for my room...not that I have any wall space but I'll make it fit somewhere (ooh ah?)
Then we went out for dinner and talked and hung out and it was nice, she's really cool. Man I'm super wiped! Oh, tomorrow we're meeting that Italian guy Luigi and a colleague of his/his girlfriend/some other French guy for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. That should be interesting. Apparently it's Luigi's 23rd birthday. Ooh I'd feel so creepy if he found these posts and read about himself. Ew, weirdddd.
Okay I think it's time for sleepies.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Princeton Town, India
MONDAY ~11:00 pm
Today was a pretty low-key day, but I was totally fine with that after our eventful weekend. Sham and I saw Inception and it was really good. She accidentally heard me say the name of the movie was "Conception" so that gave me a bit of a giggle. That would be a very different type of film…Like Thailand, they play the national anthem before the movie starts. This time it was just an animation of the waving flag, but in Thailand it's this whole propaganda video involving the king and children and all sorts of things. Another thing I found interesting was that the movie was not only in English, but had English subtitles as well. I heard it's because a lot of Indian English speakers have a hard time understanding American accents. Ha.
We did our first department store shopping trip and they had surprisingly very reasonable prices. I got one more Indian kameez thing. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and recuperating here in the apartment. It's raining pretty hard so that kind of made it easy to stay inside. I watched American Beauty which was really nice. It's my favorite movie and I haven't watched it in sayyyy two years? A perfect amount of time had passed, regardless. What a fantastic film.
We had dinner at an Italian restaurant across the street. I noticed a guy eating alone so we asked him to join us. I'd say he was in his mid to late twenties, from Italy, and his name is Luigi. I'm so proud I didn't crack a SINGLE Mario Bros. joke :D His English wasn't spectacular but it was enough to talk a little bit. He invited us out for dinner on Thursday night with some more Italians and one French guy. Sounds fun! Another note with the English speaking..I've definitely heard more English than Hindi. There was a large table next to us of students and they were all speaking in English, so was everyone at the department store. Interesting.
It's now 11:05 pm and I'm impressed that I'm still awake. I was up in the middle of the night for like four hours last night due to a stupid bad dream. I slept a little later than usual today (10 am) and I didn't take any naps. Pretty legit, huh? I hope to be on a solid, regular schedule soon. Jet-lag suuuucks. You know what sucks more? The internet isn't working. My guess is because of the rain. What I think sucks the most is that my computer is proving once again to be a pain in the ass. For some reason Skype was working while Firefox and Adium remained offline (and every other internet-accessing program I tried.) Weird. My computer keeps doing the cursor freeze thing again and has stupid blips. I just got it fixed like two months ago :| I'm glad it's under warranty but it's still such a pain. I think Apple owes me a new computer at this point.
TUESDAY 8:57 pm
Internet is working again…sort of. Guess where I found myself today? Outside a little place called "Princeton Town." Awesome. Today I bought a book on shading pencil portraits and some fancy pencils. So far so good! I'm hoping this will keep me busy for the weeks to come.
Today was a pretty low-key day, but I was totally fine with that after our eventful weekend. Sham and I saw Inception and it was really good. She accidentally heard me say the name of the movie was "Conception" so that gave me a bit of a giggle. That would be a very different type of film…Like Thailand, they play the national anthem before the movie starts. This time it was just an animation of the waving flag, but in Thailand it's this whole propaganda video involving the king and children and all sorts of things. Another thing I found interesting was that the movie was not only in English, but had English subtitles as well. I heard it's because a lot of Indian English speakers have a hard time understanding American accents. Ha.
We did our first department store shopping trip and they had surprisingly very reasonable prices. I got one more Indian kameez thing. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and recuperating here in the apartment. It's raining pretty hard so that kind of made it easy to stay inside. I watched American Beauty which was really nice. It's my favorite movie and I haven't watched it in sayyyy two years? A perfect amount of time had passed, regardless. What a fantastic film.
We had dinner at an Italian restaurant across the street. I noticed a guy eating alone so we asked him to join us. I'd say he was in his mid to late twenties, from Italy, and his name is Luigi. I'm so proud I didn't crack a SINGLE Mario Bros. joke :D His English wasn't spectacular but it was enough to talk a little bit. He invited us out for dinner on Thursday night with some more Italians and one French guy. Sounds fun! Another note with the English speaking..I've definitely heard more English than Hindi. There was a large table next to us of students and they were all speaking in English, so was everyone at the department store. Interesting.
It's now 11:05 pm and I'm impressed that I'm still awake. I was up in the middle of the night for like four hours last night due to a stupid bad dream. I slept a little later than usual today (10 am) and I didn't take any naps. Pretty legit, huh? I hope to be on a solid, regular schedule soon. Jet-lag suuuucks. You know what sucks more? The internet isn't working. My guess is because of the rain. What I think sucks the most is that my computer is proving once again to be a pain in the ass. For some reason Skype was working while Firefox and Adium remained offline (and every other internet-accessing program I tried.) Weird. My computer keeps doing the cursor freeze thing again and has stupid blips. I just got it fixed like two months ago :| I'm glad it's under warranty but it's still such a pain. I think Apple owes me a new computer at this point.
TUESDAY 8:57 pm
Internet is working again…sort of. Guess where I found myself today? Outside a little place called "Princeton Town." Awesome. Today I bought a book on shading pencil portraits and some fancy pencils. So far so good! I'm hoping this will keep me busy for the weeks to come.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Weekend in Delhi & Agra
SATURDAY 10:09 am
I can already deem this another good day and it's only 10:09 am! (The internet isn't working so my intent is to write this now and post it later.) We flew from Pune at 7:30 pm and arrived in Delhi two hours later. We immediately met up with Sham's driver friend who took us to Agra in about four hours. I slept for a very large majority of that. We woke up at 5:45 to go to the Taj Mahal! I'm so glad I got a chance to go, it would've been a shame to be in India and not see something so magnificent. I almost feel like some sort of minor many people asked to take their picture with me (or just "candidly" take a picture of me from afar...which I'm not too happy with.) Maybe it's 'cause they think I'm preeeeetttttyyyy. Ha. There were a lot of white people there but not a crazy amount, I guess. It is blistering hot here...I'm so glad that Pune is elevated and much cooler. Ooh, ooh. So we went into this shop where the descendants (14th generation) the people who built the Taj Mahal continue to make marble plates/art/all sorts of stuff. We bought some things and in return the guy agreed to give me a small little marble box if I sang the Star Spangled Banner. Excellent deal.
We just ate breakfast in the revolving restaurant upstairs and when we were finished they asked us to fill out a suggestion card. From the restaurant you can only see the very top of the Taj Mahal, so I suggested that they raise it about 50 metres so we can see it better. I hope they do it.. I also corrected the English which is probably slightly obnoxious but hey--maybe they'll fix it and appear more professional and legitimate. I'll post some pictures later, we're checking out in about 45 minutes and going back to Delhi.
SATURDAY 8:30 pm
Okay so the ride back to Delhi wasn't bad at all. There was lots to be seen, including snake charmers at the restaurant we stopped at for lunch! I can't get the song out of my (dd rr ff mrim dd rr ff m I slept towards the end of the ride and as a result ended up being rudely awoken the moment we got to a temple in Delhi. Honestly I just wanted to sleep, what a long day. I'm glad we went though, it was The Bahá'í House of Worship, a temple for all religions to pray and meditate and it's shaped like a lotus. Pretty neat. It's 8:30 pm now and I'm in our hotel. Sham and I walked around a bit to try to find the market but once it started getting dark (read: extremely shady) I was ready to turn back. We'll go to the main bazaar tomorrow morning and that'll be good. We're leaving at 3 pm tomorrow...short stay but hey, I've been to the Taj Mahal! Neat-o.
We have five more days in Pune once we get back. Four if we decide to spend the last day in Mumbai...maybe. Not too sure what we're going to do, but Sham and I want to go see Inception and go to the big yoga place. I guess we'll figure it out..? The last thing I need to do is more shopping--however tempting. I'd like a few more things (including gifts) but I think I can get some of it in Bangkok, too.
For your (and my own) amusement, I will now list the noteworthy animals that I saw today:
Dogs, cows, water buffalo, camels, elephants, monkeys, pigs, horses, donkeys, and goats. Awesome.
SUNDAY 3:10 pm
Well this computer (my dad's tiny notebook) sucks. I can't figure out how to redo my stupid undo which erased what I just wrote. I want my Macccccccccccc. today we went to the main bazaar and of course did a lot of shopping. It's kind of the equivalent to Khao San Road in Bangkok, only smaller, dirtier, and less people. We also went to the place where Gandhi was martyred. Pretty heavy stuff but really great to read about his life and accomplishments and read his fantastic quotes. After that we went to a "World Heritage Site of India," Qutub Minar. Following that was lunch and now here are are. OH! Apparently I saw a very holy/famous guru as we entered the airport. I got some pretty baller pictures of the crowd, however I only managed to get one very blurry picture of the man himself. At least my dad and Sham snagged some photos, though. I'm ready for my nap on the plane.
SUNDAY 8:22 pm
I think I'm getting lazy in terms of posting it just clutters the whole thing up. Maybe if I'm bored enough I'll add some, but chances are if you're reading thing we're Facebook friends, so just look there for corresponding photos.
I will leave you with this, though. Today I won a million dollars:

(If the words "brand," "new," and "key" mean anything to you, I miss you.)
I can already deem this another good day and it's only 10:09 am! (The internet isn't working so my intent is to write this now and post it later.) We flew from Pune at 7:30 pm and arrived in Delhi two hours later. We immediately met up with Sham's driver friend who took us to Agra in about four hours. I slept for a very large majority of that. We woke up at 5:45 to go to the Taj Mahal! I'm so glad I got a chance to go, it would've been a shame to be in India and not see something so magnificent. I almost feel like some sort of minor many people asked to take their picture with me (or just "candidly" take a picture of me from afar...which I'm not too happy with.) Maybe it's 'cause they think I'm preeeeetttttyyyy. Ha. There were a lot of white people there but not a crazy amount, I guess. It is blistering hot here...I'm so glad that Pune is elevated and much cooler. Ooh, ooh. So we went into this shop where the descendants (14th generation) the people who built the Taj Mahal continue to make marble plates/art/all sorts of stuff. We bought some things and in return the guy agreed to give me a small little marble box if I sang the Star Spangled Banner. Excellent deal.
We just ate breakfast in the revolving restaurant upstairs and when we were finished they asked us to fill out a suggestion card. From the restaurant you can only see the very top of the Taj Mahal, so I suggested that they raise it about 50 metres so we can see it better. I hope they do it.. I also corrected the English which is probably slightly obnoxious but hey--maybe they'll fix it and appear more professional and legitimate. I'll post some pictures later, we're checking out in about 45 minutes and going back to Delhi.
SATURDAY 8:30 pm
Okay so the ride back to Delhi wasn't bad at all. There was lots to be seen, including snake charmers at the restaurant we stopped at for lunch! I can't get the song out of my (dd rr ff mrim dd rr ff m I slept towards the end of the ride and as a result ended up being rudely awoken the moment we got to a temple in Delhi. Honestly I just wanted to sleep, what a long day. I'm glad we went though, it was The Bahá'í House of Worship, a temple for all religions to pray and meditate and it's shaped like a lotus. Pretty neat. It's 8:30 pm now and I'm in our hotel. Sham and I walked around a bit to try to find the market but once it started getting dark (read: extremely shady) I was ready to turn back. We'll go to the main bazaar tomorrow morning and that'll be good. We're leaving at 3 pm tomorrow...short stay but hey, I've been to the Taj Mahal! Neat-o.
We have five more days in Pune once we get back. Four if we decide to spend the last day in Mumbai...maybe. Not too sure what we're going to do, but Sham and I want to go see Inception and go to the big yoga place. I guess we'll figure it out..? The last thing I need to do is more shopping--however tempting. I'd like a few more things (including gifts) but I think I can get some of it in Bangkok, too.
For your (and my own) amusement, I will now list the noteworthy animals that I saw today:
Dogs, cows, water buffalo, camels, elephants, monkeys, pigs, horses, donkeys, and goats. Awesome.
SUNDAY 3:10 pm
Well this computer (my dad's tiny notebook) sucks. I can't figure out how to redo my stupid undo which erased what I just wrote. I want my Macccccccccccc. today we went to the main bazaar and of course did a lot of shopping. It's kind of the equivalent to Khao San Road in Bangkok, only smaller, dirtier, and less people. We also went to the place where Gandhi was martyred. Pretty heavy stuff but really great to read about his life and accomplishments and read his fantastic quotes. After that we went to a "World Heritage Site of India," Qutub Minar. Following that was lunch and now here are are. OH! Apparently I saw a very holy/famous guru as we entered the airport. I got some pretty baller pictures of the crowd, however I only managed to get one very blurry picture of the man himself. At least my dad and Sham snagged some photos, though. I'm ready for my nap on the plane.
SUNDAY 8:22 pm
I think I'm getting lazy in terms of posting it just clutters the whole thing up. Maybe if I'm bored enough I'll add some, but chances are if you're reading thing we're Facebook friends, so just look there for corresponding photos.
I will leave you with this, though. Today I won a million dollars:
(If the words "brand," "new," and "key" mean anything to you, I miss you.)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Today has been pretty awesome. You have been forewarned: I took a lot of photos today and I intend to share them on this thing. Sham and I went back to the same area that we were in on Tuesday. More shopping! I bought a scarf, an anklet, three skirts (two are PERFECT for Reunions..well especially one :D,) a traditional kameez, and some legging-like pants (for under the now two kameezes that I have.) ANYWAY. So that was awesome, but I'm mostly stoked over my photos. None of them are overly incredible or anything, but it's the first time that I've really taken photographs since arriving.
Without further ado, the [many] photos of today in chronological order with snippets here and there:
Sham and I spent a lot of time here and got a lot of stuff

Girls we started randomly talking to. Yes, I cropped [most of] myself out.

This goat cracks me up every time

It became my model

"Make sure to get my profile lolz"

The way Sham is touching it is ridiculous. Love it.

Mama & baby cow

Horrible photo but it started coming at me and I got scared!

Another goaty :)

I ate street food for lunch! My whole meal was only 10 Rupees. That's about 21 cents.

No idea what this vegetable was but it was tasty

The mandatory, cliché, super closeup

"'cuse me, you're doin' it wrong"

I love when people ask me to take their photo. People get pretty excited to see a DSLR

And there you have it!
Also, that little girl who was grabbing on to Sham the other day reappeared. She did it again and it was pretty ridiculous. Also, also. I saw a really funny thing this morning. I'm super mad I was in a car and didn't have my camera out, it would've made a hilarious picture. There was a goat standing on the bench of a bus stop. Just chillin'. People were sitting and waiting like it wasn't even there. Nice.
I've promised myself to stay awake long enough to go out for dinner. It will probably be difficult given I'm only operating on 4 hours of sleep AND I'm still jet-lagged...but the battle must go on.
More updates!!
I promised myself to take a nap between 6-7 ONLY...but of course it went until 8:30. That's fine! I woke up and we went to a jazz club! It was really spectacular, I bought their CD afterward. It was really crowded, lots of young folk and the most falang I've seen. There was lots of hookah but I had no one to smoke it with me :( Not that I'm even a big fan of tobacco...never smoked even a single cigarette! But you know, it's about the full experience. Sham has a bunch of pictures so I'll probably steal them from her camera tomorrow or something.
Without further ado, the [many] photos of today in chronological order with snippets here and there:
Sham and I spent a lot of time here and got a lot of stuff
Girls we started randomly talking to. Yes, I cropped [most of] myself out.
This goat cracks me up every time
It became my model
"Make sure to get my profile lolz"
The way Sham is touching it is ridiculous. Love it.
Mama & baby cow
Horrible photo but it started coming at me and I got scared!
Another goaty :)
I ate street food for lunch! My whole meal was only 10 Rupees. That's about 21 cents.
No idea what this vegetable was but it was tasty
The mandatory, cliché, super closeup
"'cuse me, you're doin' it wrong"
I love when people ask me to take their photo. People get pretty excited to see a DSLR
And there you have it!
Also, that little girl who was grabbing on to Sham the other day reappeared. She did it again and it was pretty ridiculous. Also, also. I saw a really funny thing this morning. I'm super mad I was in a car and didn't have my camera out, it would've made a hilarious picture. There was a goat standing on the bench of a bus stop. Just chillin'. People were sitting and waiting like it wasn't even there. Nice.
I've promised myself to stay awake long enough to go out for dinner. It will probably be difficult given I'm only operating on 4 hours of sleep AND I'm still jet-lagged...but the battle must go on.
More updates!!
I promised myself to take a nap between 6-7 ONLY...but of course it went until 8:30. That's fine! I woke up and we went to a jazz club! It was really spectacular, I bought their CD afterward. It was really crowded, lots of young folk and the most falang I've seen. There was lots of hookah but I had no one to smoke it with me :( Not that I'm even a big fan of tobacco...never smoked even a single cigarette! But you know, it's about the full experience. Sham has a bunch of pictures so I'll probably steal them from her camera tomorrow or something.
i can haz bowl?
I really wish this place had bowls. There are plates and utensils but no bowls. I've been eating cereal out of a pot. Despite that sucking, I got everything on the original "Things I Don't Have But Wish I Did" list.
Yesterday I didn't do anything. Really. We walked around in the morning for maybe an hour, exchanged some money at the bank (which took about an hour as they had to call someone in to check the authenticity of our bills,) and bought some fruit/drinking water around the corner. Oh, and I sewed on two more patches--only two more to go! I'll take a picture when I'm all done. It's such a random assortment of countries.
I'm determined to actually start doing things around the city. It's difficult because my dad is working during the day, plus we're going to be here for like a week more. So much timeeeeee! Tomorrow we go to Delhi/Agra though and I'm super super excited! I'm hoping to do a lot of shopping there, I'm sure it'll be better than in Pune. Pune has a lot of Western style boutiques and such but I want to buy things from markets and street vendors. I want authentic Indian clothes, not something I can buy at home with the same price tag.
I'll see what Sham wants to do today but hopefully I can stay awake. I took a nap yesterday for about 3 hours and that kind of ruined any chance of going anywhere. Once again I missed going out for dinner. I was going to be super determined not to nap today but I woke up at 5 am and haven't been able to get back to bed :/ That left me with four hours of sleep.
Yesterday I didn't do anything. Really. We walked around in the morning for maybe an hour, exchanged some money at the bank (which took about an hour as they had to call someone in to check the authenticity of our bills,) and bought some fruit/drinking water around the corner. Oh, and I sewed on two more patches--only two more to go! I'll take a picture when I'm all done. It's such a random assortment of countries.
I'm determined to actually start doing things around the city. It's difficult because my dad is working during the day, plus we're going to be here for like a week more. So much timeeeeee! Tomorrow we go to Delhi/Agra though and I'm super super excited! I'm hoping to do a lot of shopping there, I'm sure it'll be better than in Pune. Pune has a lot of Western style boutiques and such but I want to buy things from markets and street vendors. I want authentic Indian clothes, not something I can buy at home with the same price tag.
I'll see what Sham wants to do today but hopefully I can stay awake. I took a nap yesterday for about 3 hours and that kind of ruined any chance of going anywhere. Once again I missed going out for dinner. I was going to be super determined not to nap today but I woke up at 5 am and haven't been able to get back to bed :/ That left me with four hours of sleep.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Shops 'n' Stones
I actually woke up at a normal time today, which I was pretty proud of. Either 8:30 or 9, who can remember. Sham and I left at about 9:30 to go into the real center of the city. I literally did not see a SINGLE other white person. Or Thai, for that matter. (I will probably often use the Thai word "Farang" meaning "foreigner")
We went to a temple and did the whole praying bit as we scoped it out. I was really bummed there were no cameras allowed, there was a really neat circle of men who were chanting around a fire and throwing something in it (here's where I feel silly for not being educated on religious customs.)
**DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to flood this blog (sorry but that word makes me cringe..documentation?) with photos. That's what my photo albums on Facebook will be for. However, I just so happen to be a visual learner I'm sure it must be better to see it rather than have to guess what Pune is like.
Here's the temple from the outside:

Inside the smaller part:

And a vendor:

We walked around a bit more and finally found some promising shops with Indian clothing. You'll have to pardon these crappy pictures from PhotoBooth, but I haven't taken better quality photos yet. Here's what I managed to find for myself! Three shops, total.
First shop yielded this:

The gold pants are pretty wild but I dig 'em.
Second shop yield:

Sorry, kind of hard to see. Black leggings, blue shirt with gold trim at the top and on the sides
Third shop yield:

I need to figure out the real name for that "scarf"
Here are five photos that I took while walking around:

Probably the worst part about the day was when these young girls were literally touching us and hanging on to Sham begging for money. I know it's what they've been "trained" to do and obviously social norms are different..but it was super annoying and kind of freaky. I was scared one of them would try to get into my [very heavily zipped and protected] bag. Eventually after saying "no" about a million times in Hindi and walking faster and faster, they left us alone. In general, I also don't like how people (drivers, bellboy type figures) will help you out and then straight-up ask for a tip. Again, culture clash but I just personally find it rude. It's a tip because you deserve it, not because you ask for it. They'll even name their own prices. I think it's especially uncomfortable for me because I have a hard time asking for money even when someone owes me for real.
Anyway, after our adventures I was ready to just sit and relax for a little bit. Ate some noodles. But I know by now that no vacation of mine is complete without some sort of medical issue. This time it was my damn kidney stones. A few Aleve, two Hydrocodones, one Naproxen, and one lie down later--I finally feel better. I probably was in significant pain for 2+ hours. Stupid inefficient painkillers...the doctors keep prescribing the same crap no matter how many times I tell my doctors it doesn't work.
So from then on out I just kind of stayed in bed and watched movies. I skipped going out to dinner because even though the pain was gone, I was left feeling nauseous and loopy. I'm none too pleased to say that I haven't had Indian food since being here. Awful! Okay, tomorrow's the day.
I was almost forcing myself to stay awake for the end of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (good movie) but then I was relieved when it ended at 10 pm--I could finally go to sleep! I was so proud of myself; waking up in the morning and taking zero naps until a reasonable hour (10 is very reasonable--nearly brag-worthy--for someone jet-lagged by 10.5 hours!)'s now 3 hours later and I haven't slept yet. I only just got on the computer and I know that's a bad idea because the screen is a stimulant but I wanted to write this. When I'm done I'll read a few pages of a book, I swear. Just took 5 mg of Ambien so hopefully I'll be good to go.
No idea what we're doing tomorrow but our weekend trip seems to be shaping up :) Oh actually, I think we're going to a little market in the morning or something, it's nearby.
We went to a temple and did the whole praying bit as we scoped it out. I was really bummed there were no cameras allowed, there was a really neat circle of men who were chanting around a fire and throwing something in it (here's where I feel silly for not being educated on religious customs.)
**DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to flood this blog (sorry but that word makes me cringe..documentation?) with photos. That's what my photo albums on Facebook will be for. However, I just so happen to be a visual learner I'm sure it must be better to see it rather than have to guess what Pune is like.
Here's the temple from the outside:
Inside the smaller part:
And a vendor:
We walked around a bit more and finally found some promising shops with Indian clothing. You'll have to pardon these crappy pictures from PhotoBooth, but I haven't taken better quality photos yet. Here's what I managed to find for myself! Three shops, total.
First shop yielded this:
The gold pants are pretty wild but I dig 'em.
Second shop yield:
Sorry, kind of hard to see. Black leggings, blue shirt with gold trim at the top and on the sides
Third shop yield:
I need to figure out the real name for that "scarf"
Here are five photos that I took while walking around:
Probably the worst part about the day was when these young girls were literally touching us and hanging on to Sham begging for money. I know it's what they've been "trained" to do and obviously social norms are different..but it was super annoying and kind of freaky. I was scared one of them would try to get into my [very heavily zipped and protected] bag. Eventually after saying "no" about a million times in Hindi and walking faster and faster, they left us alone. In general, I also don't like how people (drivers, bellboy type figures) will help you out and then straight-up ask for a tip. Again, culture clash but I just personally find it rude. It's a tip because you deserve it, not because you ask for it. They'll even name their own prices. I think it's especially uncomfortable for me because I have a hard time asking for money even when someone owes me for real.
Anyway, after our adventures I was ready to just sit and relax for a little bit. Ate some noodles. But I know by now that no vacation of mine is complete without some sort of medical issue. This time it was my damn kidney stones. A few Aleve, two Hydrocodones, one Naproxen, and one lie down later--I finally feel better. I probably was in significant pain for 2+ hours. Stupid inefficient painkillers...the doctors keep prescribing the same crap no matter how many times I tell my doctors it doesn't work.
So from then on out I just kind of stayed in bed and watched movies. I skipped going out to dinner because even though the pain was gone, I was left feeling nauseous and loopy. I'm none too pleased to say that I haven't had Indian food since being here. Awful! Okay, tomorrow's the day.
I was almost forcing myself to stay awake for the end of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (good movie) but then I was relieved when it ended at 10 pm--I could finally go to sleep! I was so proud of myself; waking up in the morning and taking zero naps until a reasonable hour (10 is very reasonable--nearly brag-worthy--for someone jet-lagged by 10.5 hours!)'s now 3 hours later and I haven't slept yet. I only just got on the computer and I know that's a bad idea because the screen is a stimulant but I wanted to write this. When I'm done I'll read a few pages of a book, I swear. Just took 5 mg of Ambien so hopefully I'll be good to go.
No idea what we're doing tomorrow but our weekend trip seems to be shaping up :) Oh actually, I think we're going to a little market in the morning or something, it's nearby.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day 1: Recap
I didn't end up sleeping at all in the morning. Pretty much found all sorts of ways of keeping myself occupied with the help of my computer. How ethnic.
We went food shopping around noon, via auto rickshaw. I want to keep calling it a tuk tuk like they do in Thailand! It was about a two minute ride into Pune Central, which is essentially a mall. Sort of. More like one big department store and the grocery store up on the top floor. From there we walked back and picked up some fresh fruit on our way.
Here's a glimpse:

My dad then left for his first day of work. Oh yeah, that's what I'm doing here in India, by the way. Tagging along. Sham and I had planned on going shopping for some Indian clothing but my little "nap" turned into five hours instead of the planned one hour :( Oh well. I ended up sleeping through dinner but they brought me some food back.
Overall not a super thrilling day, clearly, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. I think we might go to a temple and do some shopping and things of the like. There's a waterpark in this city ooooohh.
I sewed on the tenth world flag patch my backpack. Four more to go! It's looking really neat and I'm excited to parade around with it :D (the flags are the countries I've been to.)
So here's the newest plan! On Friday we'll fly to Delhi, get picked up by a personal driver, then drive down to Agra. We'll go to the Taj Mahal suuuper early in the morning, spend a few hours there, then return back to Delhi. Sunday night we'll make our way back to Pune. I'm excited! It would've been a shame to be in India but stay in one minor city the whole time. I can't wait!
We went food shopping around noon, via auto rickshaw. I want to keep calling it a tuk tuk like they do in Thailand! It was about a two minute ride into Pune Central, which is essentially a mall. Sort of. More like one big department store and the grocery store up on the top floor. From there we walked back and picked up some fresh fruit on our way.
Here's a glimpse:
My dad then left for his first day of work. Oh yeah, that's what I'm doing here in India, by the way. Tagging along. Sham and I had planned on going shopping for some Indian clothing but my little "nap" turned into five hours instead of the planned one hour :( Oh well. I ended up sleeping through dinner but they brought me some food back.
Overall not a super thrilling day, clearly, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. I think we might go to a temple and do some shopping and things of the like. There's a waterpark in this city ooooohh.
I sewed on the tenth world flag patch my backpack. Four more to go! It's looking really neat and I'm excited to parade around with it :D (the flags are the countries I've been to.)
So here's the newest plan! On Friday we'll fly to Delhi, get picked up by a personal driver, then drive down to Agra. We'll go to the Taj Mahal suuuper early in the morning, spend a few hours there, then return back to Delhi. Sunday night we'll make our way back to Pune. I'm excited! It would've been a shame to be in India but stay in one minor city the whole time. I can't wait!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Hello, India
Well, I'm finally here. India, holy crap. I can't believe this is the EIGHTH country that I've been in in 2010. Taiwan and Germany don't really count (layovers) that number is still obnoxious.
Although I've been really excited to go, this trip didn't have quite the same build up as per usual. We only booked the flights a week ago, not months in advance. Crazy to think that I wasn't sure if I'd be going, yet here I am! It hasn't even really hit me yet.
Lots of boring travel things happened so I'll spare you, the reader, and attempt to summarize:
-Pfeiffer graciously drove my dad and me to the Princeton Junction train station, where we caught a train to Newark.
- Hopped on a 8:10 pm flight to Munich
- Seven hours and two movies later I find myself in Munich. My first time in Germany...although that hardly counts. Too bad, I would've really liked to explore and legitimize my visit
- Hour and a half later I board the plane to Mumbai (AKA Bombay)
- About six hours, a few mini-naps, and one movie later I'm in India.
- After waiting about an hour and a half (probably more) with baggage claim, Customs, and waiting for Sham (my dad's ladyfriend), we finally leave the airport
- A three hour car ride (read: nap) lands me in Pune, about 4 am local time.
So here I am! It's now four hours later and I haven't slept since we arrived. It's basically an apartment, yet kind of in a hotel style? Ish? There are two bedrooms (each with private bathrooms,) a kitchen, living room, and balcony. So far all I've managed to do is go online and attempt to sleep. There's something new.
Living area

My room

My stellar view

I'm hoping the others wake up soon (are they up now?) so we can go food shopping because I am so hungry! It'll also be a great excuse to walk around and really check out this area.
Okay so in terms of this blog:
I really only plan on using it for my own benefit, but if you find yourself curious as to what I'm doing on the other side of the world, by all on. Perhaps I'll include photos and all sorts of things.
Things I Don't Have But Wish I Did:
Although I've been really excited to go, this trip didn't have quite the same build up as per usual. We only booked the flights a week ago, not months in advance. Crazy to think that I wasn't sure if I'd be going, yet here I am! It hasn't even really hit me yet.
Lots of boring travel things happened so I'll spare you, the reader, and attempt to summarize:
-Pfeiffer graciously drove my dad and me to the Princeton Junction train station, where we caught a train to Newark.
- Hopped on a 8:10 pm flight to Munich
- Seven hours and two movies later I find myself in Munich. My first time in Germany...although that hardly counts. Too bad, I would've really liked to explore and legitimize my visit
- Hour and a half later I board the plane to Mumbai (AKA Bombay)
- About six hours, a few mini-naps, and one movie later I'm in India.
- After waiting about an hour and a half (probably more) with baggage claim, Customs, and waiting for Sham (my dad's ladyfriend), we finally leave the airport
- A three hour car ride (read: nap) lands me in Pune, about 4 am local time.
So here I am! It's now four hours later and I haven't slept since we arrived. It's basically an apartment, yet kind of in a hotel style? Ish? There are two bedrooms (each with private bathrooms,) a kitchen, living room, and balcony. So far all I've managed to do is go online and attempt to sleep. There's something new.
Living area
My room
My stellar view
I'm hoping the others wake up soon (are they up now?) so we can go food shopping because I am so hungry! It'll also be a great excuse to walk around and really check out this area.
Okay so in terms of this blog:
I really only plan on using it for my own benefit, but if you find yourself curious as to what I'm doing on the other side of the world, by all on. Perhaps I'll include photos and all sorts of things.
Things I Don't Have But Wish I Did:
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