I can already deem this another good day and it's only 10:09 am! (The internet isn't working so my intent is to write this now and post it later.) We flew from Pune at 7:30 pm and arrived in Delhi two hours later. We immediately met up with Sham's driver friend who took us to Agra in about four hours. I slept for a very large majority of that. We woke up at 5:45 to go to the Taj Mahal! I'm so glad I got a chance to go, it would've been a shame to be in India and not see something so magnificent. I almost feel like some sort of minor celebrity...so many people asked to take their picture with me (or just "candidly" take a picture of me from afar...which I'm not too happy with.) Maybe it's 'cause they think I'm preeeeetttttyyyy. Ha. There were a lot of white people there but not a crazy amount, I guess. It is blistering hot here...I'm so glad that Pune is elevated and much cooler. Ooh, ooh. So we went into this shop where the descendants (14th generation) the people who built the Taj Mahal continue to make marble plates/art/all sorts of stuff. We bought some things and in return the guy agreed to give me a small little marble box if I sang the Star Spangled Banner. Excellent deal.
We just ate breakfast in the revolving restaurant upstairs and when we were finished they asked us to fill out a suggestion card. From the restaurant you can only see the very top of the Taj Mahal, so I suggested that they raise it about 50 metres so we can see it better. I hope they do it.. I also corrected the English which is probably slightly obnoxious but hey--maybe they'll fix it and appear more professional and legitimate. I'll post some pictures later, we're checking out in about 45 minutes and going back to Delhi.
SATURDAY 8:30 pm
Okay so the ride back to Delhi wasn't bad at all. There was lots to be seen, including snake charmers at the restaurant we stopped at for lunch! I can't get the song out of my head..so...repetitive (dd rr ff mrim dd rr ff m I slept towards the end of the ride and as a result ended up being rudely awoken the moment we got to a temple in Delhi. Honestly I just wanted to sleep, what a long day. I'm glad we went though, it was The Bahá'í House of Worship, a temple for all religions to pray and meditate and it's shaped like a lotus. Pretty neat. It's 8:30 pm now and I'm in our hotel. Sham and I walked around a bit to try to find the market but once it started getting dark (read: extremely shady) I was ready to turn back. We'll go to the main bazaar tomorrow morning and that'll be good. We're leaving at 3 pm tomorrow...short stay but hey, I've been to the Taj Mahal! Neat-o.
We have five more days in Pune once we get back. Four if we decide to spend the last day in Mumbai...maybe. Not too sure what we're going to do, but Sham and I want to go see Inception and go to the big yoga place. I guess we'll figure it out..? The last thing I need to do is more shopping--however tempting. I'd like a few more things (including gifts) but I think I can get some of it in Bangkok, too.
For your (and my own) amusement, I will now list the noteworthy animals that I saw today:
Dogs, cows, water buffalo, camels, elephants, monkeys, pigs, horses, donkeys, and goats. Awesome.
SUNDAY 3:10 pm
Well this computer (my dad's tiny notebook) sucks. I can't figure out how to redo my stupid undo which erased what I just wrote. I want my Macccccccccccc. Okay..so today we went to the main bazaar and of course did a lot of shopping. It's kind of the equivalent to Khao San Road in Bangkok, only smaller, dirtier, and less people. We also went to the place where Gandhi was martyred. Pretty heavy stuff but really great to read about his life and accomplishments and read his fantastic quotes. After that we went to a "World Heritage Site of India," Qutub Minar. Following that was lunch and now here are are. OH! Apparently I saw a very holy/famous guru as we entered the airport. I got some pretty baller pictures of the crowd, however I only managed to get one very blurry picture of the man himself. At least my dad and Sham snagged some photos, though. I'm ready for my nap on the plane.
SUNDAY 8:22 pm
I think I'm getting lazy in terms of posting pictures..plus it just clutters the whole thing up. Maybe if I'm bored enough I'll add some, but chances are if you're reading thing we're Facebook friends, so just look there for corresponding photos.
I will leave you with this, though. Today I won a million dollars:
(If the words "brand," "new," and "key" mean anything to you, I miss you.)
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