Today was interesting, different, and fun! This morning Sham and I went to get henna done. My palms are now so fancy!
Afterward I went to OSHO Meditation Resort. Immediately I had to get tested for HIV..I'll admit, some "loving" things can go on when there are a lot of hippies in one place, but that's definitely not the point of the resort!!! I know you all were really worried for me and all, but I'm happy to share that I am HIV free.
OSHO a really neat, yet really silly environment. During the daytime everyone wears maroon robes, and at night they're white robes. The type of meditation is contemporary and very energetic. I like it although it's not all for me. I'm excited to see how tomorrow goes, I'll be there from 9:45-5:00 pm.
Since I was at the resort alone, it was nice when someone came to talk to me. I don't remember his name but he's 21 and from somewhere in India. We were the youngest by far. Okay there were a few people in their late 20's or so but mostly mid 30's+. Again, I'm glad he came and talked to me but...ugh he's like a leech. I feel bad saying that because he's really nice..but seriously, give me some time to myself!! Even during the meditations he was all over me and I felt self conscious and weird (It was during a completely freestyle dance.) He even mentioned how he was possibly looking for a girlfriend while he was there.
(He would be a very bad person to read this post..) Nothing's sacred on the internet but let's hope for the best..
Anyway, at 9:30 we headed to the Hard Rock Cafe (super Indian, right?) for Luigi's birthday. The only other people there were two other Italians, a married couple, probably in their early-mid forties. They were fun! We had lots and lots of food and there was music and beer and cake! That was the first alcohol I've had on this whole trip. Sham took a ton of pictures so I'll steal those and get them on Facbeook eventually. I really had a great time :]
It's late (for my body, at least) and it's time for sleeeeep, but I'm totally packed for tomorrow! I'm shocked that everything fits in my backpack...including my camera case. I'm very, very impressed. Off to Bangkok tomorrow night!! I'm not sure what we're doing on Saturday, but Sunday is the "mini marathon" (which is actually a 5k,) and then that night we're taking a sleeper train to Chiang Mai. I go to the temple on Monday afternoon :D
PS: I miss my friends
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